Wednesday, May 7, 2008


It means we will fight to the end, my friends. It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword. It has proven in the last Malaysia GE. UMNO didn't pay much to the internet, I think they are counting how many ringgits they have hidden in their secret bank accounts, so caught up with their harta karun that they didn't learn a simple thing called the Internet. Thanks for the concerted efforts of people like Raja Petra Kamaruddin, the folks of Malaysia wised up and send a pile of rocks towards the UMNOputras.

As abusive and low class they can be, they charged about the poor fella with a crime of sedition. How many time must Malays be doing this sandiwara? From the sultan of old times till now, we keep hearing the same old bullshit story, Sultan got a bunch of ministers, ministers not happy with a general, told the Sultan a pack lies, general got executed. The kind of drama mama still being played in this century, making me not proud of being a Malay.

I just got a few words for that Oxy-ford moron, Khairy and the other shit eaters, just count your money and forget about your sins but remember you will reap what you sow on this life in the after-life. Mark my word!


Pardon my language, those shit eaters really make me shit this morning.

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