Thursday, September 20, 2007

My Four Street Wise Cats (Part Two)

I know I have not been logging recently. My fault, in realityI am preparing to transit to Verizon Business, hence the tardiness in updating the blog.

Anyway let me talk about that later, let me introduce you to Kuntit.She is extra big black and white cat, I don't know what genes she has. It seems she is imposing and one tough cookie. I called her Kuntit cos the night before I was watching this Indon movie about some dukun and she is called Kuntit. Well, the name kinda stuck on that silly cat.

Just like the rest, she has the habit of stalking me, occasionallyshe will come to my place and meow all over asking for a quick tuna dinner.Well, that is her but I really really puzzle to what happened to her.She just disappeared overnight. I suspect that lady on the third floor took Zack and Kuntitto her new home. I hope she is happy with her surroundings.

That leads me to the last cat, Zorro. Zorro has black furs covering her her facewhich resembles like Zorro! Ha ha ha,Zorro is not so accomodating or friendlylike the rest. Maybe she has a reserved character but the good thing is that I see her often.

Didn't I tell you there is two new comers to the block. I called them Whiteheart and Strippy....