Monday, April 23, 2007

Been busy lately

yeah that is life right, full of ups and downs. Noticed that i didn't blog for
a while. Not suprisingly, i decide to commit some time for it.

Past few months have been an emotional,physical and mental challenge. Not only
the soul got a really good kick for its spritual side. Realized many things
are missing in my life. Alhamdulillah, God still loves me. Despite, me, HIS supposedly
'good' slave, being astray for many times. I realized there are many things in life that I am
supposed to do the Islamic way. Isn't Islam the way of life?

Again, I am telling myself. Based on al Sunnah the Prophet Muhammad pbuh and the holy Quran, you will not be lost. Good thing, I am reading the Quran again.....the straight path and the light is on not be lost in the world ways and forget HIM....